Featured Alumna, Kate Byrnes

Kate Byrnes - 2005 Brown Aveda Graduate, Master Extensionist, Educator, and Co-Owner of TOMORROW'S Salon

With nearly six years at TOMORROW'S Hair Salon and Spa under her belt, Kate Byrnes is also co-owner, and their go-to Certified Master Extensionist, the first in the U.S. to hold the Beauty Works title. 

An advocate for education, she teaches advanced cutting techniques for hair extensions, judges for Aveda's scholarship contests, and has recently become an educator for Hattori Hanzo Shears.

Ranging from restorative hair replacement, trend-setting length, and other fabulous services, Kate tells us about her professional experience, passion, and advice for upcoming alumni.

Why do you love what you do?

I get to make a difference and truly change people's lives. I help people feel good about themselves and motivate them. Years ago I saw a new client in her late 60s that had just been mugged, so I gave her amazing hair extensions, but also complimentary makeup to help with her injuries. I've seen her every Tuesday and Friday since. Sometimes hair dressers underestimate the ability we have to make someone feel good, and that's a pretty important thing in the world today.

To this day I love learning, and that has to come from within you as a stylist.
— Kate Byrnes

How did your Aveda experience impact where you are now?

Aveda definitely over-prepares you for state boards. I remember finishing them and thinking it was so easy. If you are open to the knowledge they're offering, then you will feel more than prepared. Now, I am embracing a new relationship with Aveda as I continue to provide quality hair extensions to even more clients.

Do you have any advice for aspiring artists?

We're in a customer service profession and bad attitudes don't fly. You always have to be willing to learn even as you excel in your career. You can be taught different techniques, but you have to have the personality to engage and get new clients, or it doesn't matter how good your cut is.

Working with both local and high-profile clients, Kate treats everyone like a celebrity, and only uses hair that is sourced responsibly and looks natural (after testing it out herself first, of course).

For high volume, thickness, length, or a gorgeous pop of color, follow Kate Byrnes and TOMORROW'S Salon for inspiration, and be sure to reach out for their skilled services!

Stylists! Don't forget to keep an eye out for upcoming continuing education classes for hair extension and cutting techniques.

Posted on May 4, 2018 and filed under news, featured graduate.