Featured Alumni – Amanda Barnoski

Meet Amanda Barnoski – 2013 Brown Aveda Institute Graduate, Stylist and Freelance Editorial Stylist.

We recently caught up with Amanda, which is not easy to do! Between her job working at Rush by Dino Palmieri and preparing for the Halloween season (her busiest), this multi-faceted artist is hard to track down.

We were lucky to get a moment with Amanda, who shared her insight on success and inspiration.

What My Clients Say About Me

Clients love how I am always changing it up with my work. Even if just a slight change of color, they like that I am keeping their look fresh and unique. I pay a lot of attention to my clients, so I really get to know what they like. I am confident to introduce new ideas to them.

Advice for Aspiring Artists

Keep your work fresh, innovate! Find stylists you love on Instagram and follow them like it's your job. You WILL get inspired.

I Draw My Inspiration From

So much of my inspiration comes from nature. Just this morning, I noticed a flower while leaving my house, just outside my door. I took a photo of it, shared on Facebook, and got feedback from my people. Now I have a new color that I am working with in my palette.  

What Makes an Artist Successful

Individuality. Setting yourself apart makes you not only stand out, but you will really work better with a team. Really. When you are working with a team of unique individuals, there is no competition. Everyone brings their own uniqueness and talents, which is also a benefit to our clients. We are all about making a good fit, and sometimes we'll refer a client to another stylist if it makes sense. It always works out!

Oh, and be quirky! Your quirks make you unique.

View more of Amanda's work on her website

Posted on August 18, 2016 and filed under news, featured graduate.